After the Meal of Messiah last Shabbat, we did a “one off” study on the role of “abrogation” in two world religions: Islam and Christianity. The concept of “abrogation” in Islam goes as far back as Sura 2 of the Quran, and is perhaps “the” key concept that makes sense of why Al-Qaida, ISIS and their affiliates do what they do. However, “abrogation” also plays a key role in Christianity, although it is not usually called by that name. In fact, Christianity’s “abrogation” theology is what separates Christianity from Nazarene Judaism and the pro-Torah lifestyle taught by Yeshua, Sha’ul/Paul and the other talmidiym. Here is the link to the pdf: https://www.beittefillah.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Abrogation-in-Islam-and-Christianity-pdf.pdf
The video on slide 12 will not play from Adobe pdf, but here is the link from YouTube: Top 10 verses in the Quran to understand ISIS