Netzarim 101

Nazarene Judaism: Squeezed from Both Sides

The attached slide presentation the consolidation of slides discussed over a period of several weeks (hence the reference to “Week 2,” etc., in the presentation). The study shows how Nazarene Judaism would be squeezed from those seeking to squeeze the Judaism out of the followers of Yeshua of Nazareth, and how the religious authorities sought to squeeze the followers of Yeshua of Nazareth out of Judaism.

One of my favorite parts of the study is when we discuss the question: HOW MANY TIMES WAS THE ONE TRUE FAITH GIVEN?

Reading from the translation of the Peshitta Aramaic text of Ephesians 4:4-6 we find: 4 That you be one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. 5 For Marya (Master Yah, YHWH) is one and the faith (or trust) is one and the immersion is one: 6 And one Eloah (Elohim) is the Father of all, and above all, and through all, and in us all. 

Jude 3 (translation from the Peshitta Aramaic) reads:

3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you, concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you, exhorting that you should earnestly contend for the Faith (or Trust), which was once for all delivered to the Set-Apart-Ones.

There is only one true faith:

And the one true faith was only given once:

And, according to Paul (or whoever wrote Hebrews 11):  Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and David (among others) are counted as faithful. 

Thus, the one true faith already existed on the Earth before the events recorded in the gospels took place.

Since the one true faith already existed on the Earth before the events recorded in the gospels happened…..

It may be an anachronism to call the faith of Abraham “the Way” (haderekh)  or that of “the sect of the Nazarenes” (Nazarene Judaism), but it is functionally accurate….if the one true faith was only given once, and Abraham had that faith. 

Here is the link for the slides to Nazarene 101: Know What You Believe

Galatians Study

119 Ministries Teaching on Galatians

As we’ve studied the book of Galatians over the last several weeks, we have found the 119 Ministries video on Galatians (part of a larger series called “The Pauline Paradox” to be insightful, easy to understand, and easy to follow. It is about 3 hours in length (so probably more than a single sitting), but we think it is well worth your time. Click the link for the 119 Ministries Galatians Study

The Role of Abrogation in Islam….and Christianity

Abrogation plays a key role

After the Meal of Messiah last Shabbat, we did a “one off” study on the role of “abrogation” in two world religions: Islam and Christianity. The concept of “abrogation” in Islam goes as far back as Sura 2 of the Quran, and is perhaps “the” key concept that makes sense of why Al-Qaida, ISIS and their affiliates do what they do. However, “abrogation” also plays a key role in Christianity, although it is not usually called by that name. In fact, Christianity’s “abrogation” theology is what separates Christianity from Nazarene Judaism and the pro-Torah lifestyle taught by Yeshua, Sha’ul/Paul and the other talmidiym. Here is the link to the pdf:

The video on slide 12 will not play from Adobe pdf, but here is the link from YouTube: Top 10 verses in the Quran to understand ISIS

Notes on 1st Corinthians

Please see the attached pdf file for our notes on 1st Corinthians (picking up at chapter 5), one of the most important books for providing early evidence for the resurrection of Yeshua of Nazareth. By “early evidence,” we mean the oral tradition within 1st Corinthians that even skeptical scholars date to within 5 years of the resurrection.

Beit T Cancelled Services 12/8/2018

Based on the dangerous driving conditions expected from the wintry mix and snow expected on Yom Shishiy and Shabbat, we must cancel the Beit Tefillah Messianic Fellowship Shabbat service scheduled for 12/8/2018. For your home Torah portion reading and study, the Torah portion is Mikeitz (“At the end”), Bereshiyt/Genesis 41:1 – 44:17, and the haftorah is Zechariah 2:14 – 4:7. Our reading from the Ketuvim Netzarim is 1 Corinthians 11.

Chosen People Ministries

Jon and Tiffanie Davidsen of Chosen People Ministries will be speaking at Beit Tefillah Messianic Fellowship on 3/10/2018 at a special meeting time of 12 noon.  We plan to start with a Biblically clean, “pot blessing” meal, and then turn the floor over to Jon and Tiffanie.  The topic is Jon’s testimony and bringing the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to the Jewish people.

Come join us!

Torah portion Naso

Shalom, We continue in the Torah cycle this week with Torah portion Naso, (Lift, Bear up, Carry, “Take”), Bemidbar/Numbers, 4:21 – 7:89. The Haftorah is Judges 13:2-25. The Ketuvim Netzarim reading is John 11:1 – 54. We plan to meet on Shabbat (6/3/2017) at our meeting location, 614 SW Park Ave, beginning at 5pm/1700 hours. We plan to pray, read the Scriptures, and enjoy a light, “pot blessing” meal together, then study together until Havdallah.

Netzarim 101

These are the slides (below) from a study we did over the course of several weeks in 2016.  It shows how we Netzarim arrived where we are today.  Judaism was driven from believers in Yeshua, and Jewish believers in Yeshua were driven from the synagogues.  This was the prophetic outcome of what Sha’ul/Paul said would happen.



New Meeting Location

Shalom, we have a new meeting location effective on the first Shabbat in “March” 2017.  The new location is 614 SW Park Ave in Lawton, OK in the Fellowship Hall of Voice of Truth Ministries.  The new location is just across the street from Lincoln Elementary School.  Our entrance is actually on the southwest side of the building on SW 7th Street.  There are handicapped slots available in front of the Fellowship Hall entrance on SW 7th Street, but most people will need to use the main parking lot and walk around the building to the southwest side.

Click here for a Google maps link to the new location 

There was no “falling out” of any sort with Faith Apostolic Center, from whom we rented for the last several years.  It was just time to move, and we pray that all concerned benefit from this move.

The entrance to our new meeting location is depicted below:

Fellowship Hall Entrance