Shalom, we have a new meeting location effective on the first Shabbat in “March” 2017. The new location is 614 SW Park Ave in Lawton, OK in the Fellowship Hall of Voice of Truth Ministries. The new location is just across the street from Lincoln Elementary School. Our entrance is actually on the southwest side of the building on SW 7th Street. There are handicapped slots available in front of the Fellowship Hall entrance on SW 7th Street, but most people will need to use the main parking lot and walk around the building to the southwest side.
Click here for a Google maps link to the new location
There was no “falling out” of any sort with Faith Apostolic Center, from whom we rented for the last several years. It was just time to move, and we pray that all concerned benefit from this move.
The entrance to our new meeting location is depicted below:

we are messianic congregation in west africa seeking for affiliation with your organisation
You should contact
We would like to spend Passover in Lawton. Are you having a Seder for 2018 and how much is the cost. It would be for 5-8 adults and 2-3 children under the age of 8. Coming to Lawton would make it possible for my son and grandson to attend. It’s been a tough year for our family, and we need to be together for Passover. I believe Jim Barfield’s wife knew me from Lawton Housing Authority many years ago.
Hi Lorna, we haven’t worked out all the details yet, but we are planning to do a seder.