•Blessed are you Adonai who sent your Son as the first-fruits of the resurrection and enjoined on us to count the Omer. Today is the ____ day of the ___ week in the counting of 7 weeks, 7 Sabbaths and 50 days to Shavuot. We have now counted ___ days, __Week(s), and __ Sabbath(s). •Or: Today is the ___ day of the ___ Shavua in the day after the ceasing, even the ___ day. We have counted ___ Shavuot and __ Sabbaths, which are complete and perfect.
•The above counts are not a Scripture commanded “formula,” but they do account for the three things that are to be counted, according to the Torah: Sabbaths, Weeks, and Days.
Executive Summary
We count 7 Sabbaths, 7 weeks, and a 50th day, according to the Scriptures.
• 7 Shavuot/Weeks: (Devarim 16:9)
•7Shabbatot/Sabbaths (Vayyiqra 23:15)
•A 50thday: (Vayyiqra 23:16)
•The count starts on the 16th day of Aviv/ Nisan, which was 4/17/2022.
For the full study of “Why We Count the Omer like Paul” (and not the Sadducees) download the pdf here: Why We Count the Omer like Paul.